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The Hi-Opt I Count

Also Known as the Einstein Card Counting System

Card Counting History: The History of Card Counting - Edward Thorp versus John Scarne - History of Card Counting Part III - The Griffin Agency Invenstigations - Shufflemaster Inc.
Card Counting How To: How to Count Cards - Learn to Count Cards
Card Counting Systems: Hi Lo Blackjack Card Counting System - KO (Knockout) Blackjack Card Counting System - Hi-Opt I Blackjack Card Counting System - Hi-Opt II Blackjack Card Counting System - The Red Seven Count - Zen Count Blackjack Card Counting System - Omega II Blackjack Card Counting System - Uston Advanced Point Count - Revere Advanced Point Count - Ed Thorp's Ten-Count

The Hi-Opt I blackjack card counting system was originally created by Charles Einstein in 1968. Lance Humble and Julian Braun made some refinements to the system, and popularized the Hi-Opt I Count in Humble's book, The World's Greatest Blackjack Book.

The point values are distributed as per the table below:

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
0 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 -1 0

The Hi-Opt 1 system is similar to the Hi-Lo Count, the main difference being that the 2's and aces count as O in the Hi Opt I. The Hi-Opt I has also been called the Einstein Count.

A separate count of aces is kept in the Hi Opt I and the count of the aces determines multiple deviations from basic strategy.

Hi Opt is an abbreviation of "highly optimum".

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