To: The State of Florida, From: Blackjack Fans

This has been going on for awhile now. In the state of Florida the Seminole Tribe and state law makers are still in a stalemate about whether the Tribe should be allowed to have table games, including blackjack, in all seven of their casinos. I started following this closely. And then a little less closely. And a little less closely. Then it was just a part of my routine. The same things were being said over and over again.

Let me sum it up: In 2007 Florida Governor Charlie Crist stuck a compact with the Seminoles that allowed them to have table games. State law makers weren

How to play effective blackjack

What’s the difference between playing blackjack and playing effective blackjack? It’s simple answer, one you may have even come across here and there. But in the lure of flashing lights and bright colors perhaps the answer was forgotten. The best way to play effective blackjack is practice.

Yes, I said practice. By now you’ve read about basic strategy and card counting, and you’re psyched that this is the game you can win. Blackjack will make you money. But in order to make that money you have to play blackjack effectively.

To do so means practice. You know there’s a basic strategy chart for blackjack